A message from Rose of ReikisLove: "I've been privileged to share Reiki for 16 years now and it has brought so many blessings, including marvelous people, into my life. It has the ability to give us so much and is such a simple and beautiful modality. Anyone can receive or learn Reiki. I'd be so happy to share this with you. Please reach out anytime.
Meet our Reiki family here to serve you

Meet Rose O'Connor, Author, Founder of ReikisLove.
After spending a few decades of my young life raising children and working professionally with horses, I followed my yearning for the something 'more' and went back to school at age 50 to become a Massage Therapist. It was there that a good friend of mine gently guided me to learning Reiki. Though the road after that was filled with other trainings, such as Reflexology, Yoga teacher training, and finishing my degree, Reiki was the calling of my heart. I began teaching Reiki in 2009 and have never looked back, only ahead to my own next training or teaching that I could learn about Reiki so that I could share it with my dear dear students, many of whom became friends and some teachers themselves. I see the world around me has evolved through this practice in ways that I could have never imagined and I have met many of my dearest friends through this practice. I've immersed myself in it fully and it is my purpose here to share it with you in whatever way I can.
In 2019, I became a student of Dr. Joe Dispenza, who, through his astounding and life changing teachings about neuroscience, epigenetics, quantum physics and learning brain and heart coherence through meditation practice, has brought me a greater depth of understanding my work with Reiki, what I do, how I think, act and behave, and how to change my own energy to be in alignment with what I wish to create. To say I have been blessed in this life is a true understatement.
I've been blessed to receive many trainings in Human and Animal Reiki (very different in their approach), as well as Integrative Reflexology, Yoga teacher training, Angel Intuitive training and some Shamanic work.
I've listed here some of the people I've been blessed work with and for me, the best teacher of all has been the energy itself.
Reiki (for people) trainings:
All of my teachers on this journey called life, especially the STUDENTS, have taught me so much, especially through their beautiful example of being themselves and living their purpose so beautifully.
Meet Joe Poole, co-founder and partner in all things Reiki. Just in case you are wondering who the guy in the above photo is, Joe and I met one another in 2007. At that time I was on my way to discovering Reiki, one of the main things that I wish to share with the world. I began teaching Reiki in 2009 and Joe soon followed, learning to love Reiki as much as I do and completing his Reiki Level One and Two in 2011. Sharing Reiki with each other is a powerful gift we give one another. It brings so much love to our lives and our relationship. In 2012, we got married at the Escalante Pueblo in Dolores Colorado and made our home at that time in the Rocky Mountains.
In January of 2014 we flew to Hana Hawaii for Joe to take his first Master training in Reiki and for me to take my third. This is when we first learned Holy Fire Reiki.
Joe continues to support ReikisLove with his caring and his ability to pitch in, whether it be setting up for a class or sharing Reiki whenever he is called to it. He is mostly retired these days but has a love of Reiki and an ability to share it that knows no bounds.
Just for fun - Joe and I love to travel and meet new people and as such have become Trusted Housesitters, something that has allowed us to spend time in other countries and have great adventures, which we hope to continue! We also love new walks in new places and share a love of the outdoors and a love of animals. If you are interested, read my book about our travels to the UK. Here's a sneak preview! - Footpaths by Rose O'Connor
After spending a few decades of my young life raising children and working professionally with horses, I followed my yearning for the something 'more' and went back to school at age 50 to become a Massage Therapist. It was there that a good friend of mine gently guided me to learning Reiki. Though the road after that was filled with other trainings, such as Reflexology, Yoga teacher training, and finishing my degree, Reiki was the calling of my heart. I began teaching Reiki in 2009 and have never looked back, only ahead to my own next training or teaching that I could learn about Reiki so that I could share it with my dear dear students, many of whom became friends and some teachers themselves. I see the world around me has evolved through this practice in ways that I could have never imagined and I have met many of my dearest friends through this practice. I've immersed myself in it fully and it is my purpose here to share it with you in whatever way I can.
In 2019, I became a student of Dr. Joe Dispenza, who, through his astounding and life changing teachings about neuroscience, epigenetics, quantum physics and learning brain and heart coherence through meditation practice, has brought me a greater depth of understanding my work with Reiki, what I do, how I think, act and behave, and how to change my own energy to be in alignment with what I wish to create. To say I have been blessed in this life is a true understatement.
I've been blessed to receive many trainings in Human and Animal Reiki (very different in their approach), as well as Integrative Reflexology, Yoga teacher training, Angel Intuitive training and some Shamanic work.
I've listed here some of the people I've been blessed work with and for me, the best teacher of all has been the energy itself.
Reiki (for people) trainings:
- Cristina Leeson, Level One, Two and Master (2008)
- Laurelle Gaia and Michael Baird, Level One, Two and Karuna® Reiki, (2013, 2014)
- William Lee Rand, Holy Fire® Master (2014)
- William Lee Rand, Michael Baird, Colleen Benelli, Holy Fire Karuna® (2015)
- Tracey Houchins, Metta® Reiki (2016)
- Raven Keyes, Medical Reiki® Master (2017)
- Anna Twinney, Reach out to Horses, Reiki for Horses (2014, 2015)
- Kathleen Prasad, Animal Reiki Source, Shinpiden Level Animal Reiki (2019)
- Colleen Benelli, Robyn Benelli, Sioux Strong, Reiki Lifestyle, ICRT Animal Reiki I and II (2020)
- Colleen Benelli, Robyn Benelli, Sioux Strong, ICRT Animal Reiki Master (2021)
- Claire Marie Miller, Integrative Reflexology and Advanced Integrative Reflexology (2009-2010)
- Alison Donley, Yoga Teacher Training (2011)
- Marcia Hebrank, Angel Intensive, (2017)
- West Chester University, B.S. in Health Science with a concentration in Alternative Medicine, (2010)
- Dr. Joe Dispenza, Avid student, completed Advanced Workshop in 2019, 2021, Advanced Follow ups in 2020 and 2021.
- Susannah Spanton, Reiki Melody, Alchemy Drumming workshop, 2019
- Karen Ward, Moon Mná Women's Celtic Circles, Facilitator Training, 2022
- Sli An Chroi, Karen Ward and John
All of my teachers on this journey called life, especially the STUDENTS, have taught me so much, especially through their beautiful example of being themselves and living their purpose so beautifully.
Meet Joe Poole, co-founder and partner in all things Reiki. Just in case you are wondering who the guy in the above photo is, Joe and I met one another in 2007. At that time I was on my way to discovering Reiki, one of the main things that I wish to share with the world. I began teaching Reiki in 2009 and Joe soon followed, learning to love Reiki as much as I do and completing his Reiki Level One and Two in 2011. Sharing Reiki with each other is a powerful gift we give one another. It brings so much love to our lives and our relationship. In 2012, we got married at the Escalante Pueblo in Dolores Colorado and made our home at that time in the Rocky Mountains.
In January of 2014 we flew to Hana Hawaii for Joe to take his first Master training in Reiki and for me to take my third. This is when we first learned Holy Fire Reiki.
Joe continues to support ReikisLove with his caring and his ability to pitch in, whether it be setting up for a class or sharing Reiki whenever he is called to it. He is mostly retired these days but has a love of Reiki and an ability to share it that knows no bounds.
Just for fun - Joe and I love to travel and meet new people and as such have become Trusted Housesitters, something that has allowed us to spend time in other countries and have great adventures, which we hope to continue! We also love new walks in new places and share a love of the outdoors and a love of animals. If you are interested, read my book about our travels to the UK. Here's a sneak preview! - Footpaths by Rose O'Connor