Reiki is Love Unmasked, Untethered, Unconditional, without End. It reminds us of who we are and more importantly who we can Be in this world. When there is Love at work, there is always healing at its highest level. Join us with Reiki and re-connect with the Love in your heart." Rose O'Conno r
written by Rose O’Connor, Reiki teacher and guide
WHAT IS REIKI? It’s a word we sometimes hear splashed about in certain circles and yet...many people don’t seem to know what it is! So here are three short explanations of What is Reiki -
Reiki is a method of stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing on all levels (William Lee Rand, founder of the International Center for Reiki training)
Reiki is the secret art of inviting happiness (quote from Mikao Usui, founder of Usui System of Natural Healing).
Reiki is Unconditional Love in action (Rose O’Connor)
The Word
Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) - Let’s begin with the second syllable Ki. Ki, or Chi, or Prana as it is otherwise known, is the life force energy that runs through us, keeps us alive. Everything living has life force energy or KI. Plants, birds, bees, bugs, rocks, dogs, giraffes, you get the picture. We are 99.999999 percent ENERGY or KI, contrary to our popular belief that we are made of solid matter! Matter is the slowest form of energy or frequency. Frequency has to slow down to become matter.
Our KI can be strong! or our KI can be sluggish or unhealthy. Strong KI is essential to a healthy life. In the East, taking care of one’s KI or energy is vital to life.
The first syllable, REI, means spiritually or Universally guided. Together the two combine to mean “Universally guided life force energy” REI - KI is a special kind of KI. REIKI is always pure, fresh, and springs forth in an unlimited supply. Unlike our own KI, which can be damaged by many things - experiences, repetitive thoughts, accidents, traumas, environmental pollution, unhealthy food, and more affects our KI. REIKI, however, is always of the highest frequency, the purest light. It moves through us and helps us to balance and strengthen our own KI.
Who has access to Reiki, this special kind of KI? We ALL do. Everyone can learn to gain access to this energy and use it for themselves or others including their animals and nature herself. When we take a Reiki class, we receive a Reiki attunement or Blessing that ‘reminds’ us of our connection to Reiki energy. We are reminded of what we have forgotten. We also learn the system of Reiki, how to use it properly and are guided in the spiritual practice of Reiki.
Why take a Reiki class? Reiki has a way of calling its students to it. If you are called to take Reiki for yourself, you will receive access to this very special gift that will be with you for the rest of your life. It will always be there and it will offer you guidance as well. Reiki is an intelligent energy and teaches us about the inner workings of ourselves and helps us to lead a better life. Under the guidance of a competent teacher, you will learn the system of Reiki and how to use it for meditation and practice. If you aren’t sure about taking a class to learn Reiki, you can read about it here or talk to someone who practices it. You can have a Reiki session with a trained practitioner of Reiki. Just by asking Reiki to show up in your life, it will find you!
How does Reiki work? “Reiki is a method of stress reduction that promotes healing on all levels.” Reiki flows through us like a clear mountain stream, balancing our own KI or energy and adjusting our frequency to a level that is healthy and whole. It reduces our stress by its deeply relaxing effects and activates our parasympathetic nervous system, the place from which we can heal. We spend a lot of our daily lives running from an imaginary lion, staying in the fight or flight mode. Reiki takes us to a deeply peaceful place within us.
Hands on Healing or a Spiritual Practice?
Reiki has been taught in the West mostly as a hands on healing technique and it is very effective for many different types of healing - physical, mental, and emotional. Yet it also is a spiritual
practice and when you learn more about Reiki and its History, you will begin to understand why that is. Reiki by its own nature encourages us to come back to its basic Principles - Just for Today, Do not worry, Do not anger, Be Grateful for your many Blessings, Work hard at spiritual practice, and Be kind to all living things. Reiki is built upon lifelong spiritual practice. Usui Sensei called Reiki the “secret art of inviting happiness.”
Where did Reiki originate? Reiki, the energy of the Universe has been around for eons. Usui Reiki, the style of Reiki practiced by most people the world over, was re-discovered by Usui Mikao - a Japanese man, in 1922. Mikao was an ordinary man who was also a seeker. He was seeking the meaning of his life, or the perfect peace. After many years of searching and learning, he was told by his Zen Master that he needed to have a death like experience to achieve enlightenment. Mikao climbed up Mt. Kurama in Japan where he sat in meditation and fasting for 21 days and nights. At the end of the 21st day he received the great Reiki and understood the meaning of his life. He had become enlightened and also received the ability to bring healing through his hands. The history of Reiki is a fascinating story and many other details are shared in a Level One Reiki class.
How does it feel to receive Reiki? Describing a Reiki session is like trying to describe sunshine to someone who has never felt it on their face. But in the end Reiki is the feeling of Unconditional Love - many say it is a feeling of a greater love than they have ever experienced. The only way to know is to try it for yourself!
What can Reiki be used for? Basically anything and everything! Your aches, your pains, your dreams, your worries, your food, your plants, your animals. Reiki can never do harm. It has no contraindications. It will always deliver exactly what is needed. Reiki can only be received by permission.
Will it help my animals? Reiki can help animals in many of the same ways it helps people. It can ease stress and pain, it can release trauma, it can support old age and the process of transition for both humans and animals, it can just feel good and help animals to stay in balance. MOST important to me is that Reiki, when shared properly with animals can help US to feel more connected to them and them to feel more connected to US. It gives us a sense of the Oneness of the Universe and how we are connected to it and not in charge of it or separate from it! Animals are supreme meditators, have many messages for us and really want to share healing with us as well! Often the person is the one who receives the greatest healing in Animal Reiki but animals can benefit greatly as well.
Thank you so much for letting me share with you about the magic that is Reiki. See more articles on Reiki here
copyright 2020 by Rose O’Connor Please do not copy without permission